The Effect of Health Literacy on Self-Management Related to Food Consumption among Older Adults with Hypertension in the Community
Health literacy, Self – management, Older adults, Hypertension, Food consumptionAbstract
The study aimed to study the effect of the health literacy program on self - management related to food consumption among older adults with hypertension in the community. The study design was quasi-experimental study with pre and posttest groups. The participants consisted of 64 older adults with hypertension who were randomly assigned to an experimental and control group. Participants in experimental group received health education and six sessions of health literacy. Each session lasted 20-60 minutes within eight weeks. Control group received usual care and health education from health provider. self-administration questionnaire (nutrition literacy, food consumption pattern and self-management) was used to collect the data. Data were analyzed using independent t-test. Group reflection was analyzed using content analysis. Results showed that mean score of nutritional literacy, food consumption and self-management of the experiment group was significantly higher than the mean score of the control group (p-value <.001). Results from the reflection in the experimental group suggested some issues, including the understanding, access to information and applying knowledge. Participants suggested the methods to enhance health literacy for self-management on food consumption including providing knowledge, communication, sharing experiences and using photographic media. In sum, health literacy program can be used as a tool to enhance knowledge related to health.
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