Peer Review Process

JFHB Peer Review Process



1. Submission
Author(s) submit the manuscript that matches the journal’s aim and scope and has the correct format according to the journal’s author’s guidelines. Manuscripts are submitted via the ThaiJo system.

2. Initial Editorial Review
The editorial board, consisting of at least two members and the editor-in-chief, screen the manuscript. In order to pass this process, the manuscript must meet the aim and scope of JFHB and have the correct journal format. The plagiarism percentage must also not exceed 25%. (This process takes 7 days.)

If the manuscript is not well formatted, the author(s) is asked to reformat the manuscript. In cases of rejection, the author(s) must revise the manuscript before resubmitting.

Once the manuscript passes this process, the editorial board assigns at least 3 reviewers in the related fields to review the manuscript. (This process takes 14-21 days.) 

3. Peer Review
The assigned reviewers evaluate the manuscripts and conclude their reviews with one of the following decisions:

  • Acceptance without revision
  • Acceptance with minor revisions
  • Acceptance with major revisions
  • Rejection

The author(s) is informed of the decision through ThaiJo in case a revision is required before publication. The review process is done through double-blind review, as JFHB always prioritizes transparency in the review process. (This process takes 14-21 days.)

4. Revision
The author(s) revises the manuscript according to the reviewers’ evaluation. (This process takes 14-21 days.)

5. Final Editorial Review
Manuscripts evaluated with major revision are sent back to the peer review process by the same reviewers. (This will add another 14-21 days to the process.)

The editorial board reviews the revised manuscript along with the revision details provided by the author(s).

6. Editorial Decision
The editor-in-chief makes the final decision, and a letter of acceptance is sent to the author(s) afterwards. The author(s) may be contacted for clarification and more information during this period. (This process takes approximately 3 days.)

7. Copyediting and Artwork
The accepted manuscript is sent to the journal’s printing house and adjusted to a publishing format. (This process takes 7 days.)

8. Proofreading and Final Adjustments
The adjusted article is proofread, and a draft of the formatted article is sent to the author(s) for verification. If there is no further revision, the article will be published on the journal’s website.

9. Publication

The author(s) is notified that the manuscript is published. The complete procedure from initial submission to publishing. (This process takes approximately 3-4 months.)