Peer Review Process

JFHB Peer Review Process


1. Editorial screening

After submission, the manuscript will be screened by at least two members of the editorial board and by the chief editor. In order to pass this process, the manuscript must meet the aim and scope of JFHB and be written in journal format. The similarity percentage should not be greater than 25%. 

  • In cases of rejection, the revision must be done before the author(s) resubmit the manuscript. 
  • If it is not well formatted, the manuscript will be asked to be reformatted. 
  • Once it passes this process, the manuscript will proceed to the peer review process. (Usually takes 1-3 days.) 

2. Reviewer assignment

In this process, 5–6 reviewers within related fields will be selected by the editorial board to review the manuscript. (Usually takes 1-3 days).

3. Peer review

The author(s) will receive results and suggestions from 3 peer reviewers. The results will be one of these choices: 1) Accept 2) Minor Revision 3) Major Revision or 4) Reject. The review process is done through double-blind review because JFHB always prioritizes transparency in the review process. 

4. Decision on the manuscript

The editorial board will consider the level of revision based on the results and suggestions from three peer reviewers. The levels comprise 1) acceptance and 2) minor revision. 3) major revision, and 4) reject. The author(s) will be informed of the decision through ThaiJo in case a revision is required before publication. (14 days) 

5. Revision

Once the revision is returned, the editorial board will recheck it along with the revision details (provided by the author(s)). 

  • For minor revisions, the editorial board will consider whether the revision is completed and correct. After that, the final decision will be made by the chief editor. A letter of acceptance will be issued after this process. (Usually takes 7 days.) 
  • For major revisions, the manuscript will undergo a peer review process again by the same peer reviewers after the first revision. (14 days) 

6. Publication

The accepted manuscript will be formatted by the publisher (which usually takes 7 days). The author(s) need to verify the draft of the formatted article again (7 days). Finally, if there is no further revision, the article will be published on the journal’s website.