Aims and Scope

Science, Engineering and Health Studies (SEHS), originally known as Silpakorn University Science and Technology Journal (first published in 2007), is a single blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal containing original research articles, review articles and short communications. It provides the forum for reporting innovations, production methods, technologies, initiatives and the application of scientific knowledge to all aspects of sciences, engineering, health sciences and related fields.

SEHS is actively building individual sections that are managed by respected researchers and experts in the field. These dedicated editors, supported by our editorial team, are responsible for managing the peer-review process for all submitted manuscripts. These dedicated sections allow us to tailor each author's experience to the needs and standards they have come to expect within their respective fields.  

- Physical sciences:
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer sciences, Material sciences

- Biological sciences:
Biology, Microbiology, Environmental sciences, Agricultures, Animal sciences, Plant sciences, Food technology, Biotechnology

- Engineering:
Chemical Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical engineering

- Health sciences:
Biomedical sciences, Dentisty, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmaceutical sciences, Public health


Types of Paper

Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication: original research articles, review articles, short communications.


Publication Frequency

Every published article will be immediately available on journal website, and will be indexed by Scopus, ensuring it reaches the widest possible audience.


Publication Fees

No publication fees will be charged for submitting or publishing all types of articles in the SEHS. All articles published in this journal are open access and are freely and widely available to all readers via the journal website.  The article processing charge will be covered by Silpakorn University.  


Peer-review Process

SEHS is a fully single blind peer-reviewed journal with a rigorous multi-stage editorial screening and assessment process.

First, we undertake an initial in-house quality check to identify potential issues such as competing interest, compliance with ethical standards for studies involving human and animal subjects, financial disclosures, data availability, and English and readability, etc. Submissions may be returned to authors for changes or clarifications at this stage.

After passing quality control, each manuscript is placed with editors (either editor-in-chief, associate editor or editorial board member) who conducts a screening for the scientific and policy requirements, for example, scope of SEHS journal, advancement or impact of the manuscript. If the manuscript is not conformed with the requirements, the submission may be declined.

If the manuscript conforms with the requirements, it will be forwarded to the reviewers (at least 2 reviewers) in related fields. The editors will make the decision after receiving the comments from the reviewers (usually within 2 months). As a result of the technical review process, a manuscript may be accepted without change, recommended for modification and further review, or rejected.

The received date that appears in the published article is the date on which the editors received the original (or if previously rejected, the resubmitted) manuscript. The revised date is the date when the editors received the last fully revised version of the manuscript (The manuscript may be returned to authors for revision. Authors will be given a few weeks after receipt of the reviewers’ comments to revise the manuscript.) When all remaining editorial issues are resolved, the paper is formally accepted. The accepted date is when the editor sends the acceptance letter.


Title History

In 2018, the journal title was changed from its former name “Silpakorn University Science and Technology Journal” (ISSN Print: 1905-9159 ISSN Online: 2586-842x) to “Science, Engineering and Health Studies” (Electronic ISSN: 2630-0087). The change has been effective as of January 2018 (Vol. 12, No.1).

In 2007, the title “Silpakorn University Science and Technology Journal” was split from the “Silpakorn University International Journal” (ISSN Print: 1513-4717).


Ownership  and management

Silpakorn University Research, Innovation and Creativity Administration Office, Sanam Chandra Palace Campus
6 Rachamakha Nai Rd., Amphoe Muang, Nakhon Pathom 73000, Thailand.
Tel. +66 6507 04679  Fax: +66 3425 5808 E-mail:
Silpakorn University
Publishing schedule
Every published article will be immediately available on journal website.