Changes to Manuscript Preparation Format
(January 9, 2025)
Starting with Volume 19, 2025, the format for manuscript preparation will be updated. Authors are advised to refer to the updated Author Guidelines, available under the About the Journal section.
Additionally, the reference style will now follow the APA 7th Edition format. Please ensure all submissions comply with these changes.
Policy on the Use of Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies in Publication
(May 8, 2024)
Authors are permitted to utilize generative AI to enhance the readability and language quality of their writing. However, it is crucial that:
- Authors thoroughly review and edit the output generated by AI tools, ensuring the accuracy of their submissions.
- AI LLM (Large Language Model) should not be acknowledged as an author or co-author in any publication.
- Authors employing AI in the scientific writing process must disclose the use of AI LLM in the Methods section.
- Authors must include a statement at the end of their manuscript, preceding the References section, titled “Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies in the Writing Process.” This statement should provide transparency regarding the use of such technologies in the creation of the manuscript.
- Authors are strictly prohibited from utilizing AI or AI-assisted tools to create or modify images or videos in submitted manuscripts. All visuals included in manuscripts must be created or altered by human authors without the use of artificial intelligence technologies.
Announcement to authors: Changing peer review process to single blind review
(March 1, 2023)
As of March 2023, SEHS would like to announce a change of peer review methodology from double blind review to single blind, in order to reduce the manuscript preparation process and allow the reviewers the freedom to give an honest critique.
Change submission platform
(January 31, 2023)
SEHS journal has changed its manuscript submission platform to the Thai Editorial System (ThaiES) since February 1, 2023. The author can now submit the manuscript to the new platform [].
Email address changed
(January 10, 2023)
We changed the email address from to
From January 10, 2023 onwards, please contact us at the new email address.
Suspend the submission
(December 8, 2022)
Online submission system for SEHS has temporarily closed for maintenance from 9 December 2022 to 21 December 2022. The authors can submit their manuscript later after 22 December 2022. Sorry for any inconvenience.
(August 11, 2022)
In conjunction with MTE 2022: SDG International Innovation Awards & Expo, the researchers and innovators are eligible to submit ONE manuscript per MTE Awards submission entry to Science, Engineering and Health Studies (ISSN: 2630-0087) to gather all knowledge on SDG innovations in one special issue for sharing with academic and industry communities, subjectable to peer review and editorial approval.
Science, Engineering and Health Studies (SEHS) is a double-blinded peer-reviewed, open-access journal for original research article, review article and short communication. More on submission details and deadline:
Announcement to authors: Changing of initial submission platform
(September 7, 2021)
As of 7 September 2021, SEHS would like to announce a change of initial submission platform to OJS platform (Click to submit), in order to expedite the technical checking and editors prescreening of the submitted manuscript. The manuscript will be registered to EM platform by the SEHS once the prescreening and the technical check have passed. Please note that the initial submission through EM is temporarily closed but remains used for the rest of the process and communication.
We do apologize for any convenience that may cause. If you have any queries, please kidly contact us at
Food Innovation Asia Conference 2021 (FIAC 2021): Food Innovation and Sustainability through Bio-Circular-Green Economy
(April 21, 2021)
Food Innovation Asia Conference 2021 (FIAC 2021) this year is a virtual conference offer for two days and hosted online and onsite (Division F - Industrial session), include keynotes and invited speakers with panel discussions and oral and poster presentations with the competition section. The conference will provide opportunity to meet and share experiences as well as strengthen networking among international food scientists and scientists in related fields from academia, government and food industries. The objective is to highlight significant developments in research and innovations in food science and technology with an emphasis on innovative ASEAN food research towards the World.
The conference will be organized by Food Science and Technology Association of Thailand (FoSTAT), Agro-Industry Academic Council Association (AIAC), Silpakorn University, Prince of Songkla University, and AOAC Thailand Section.
For more information, please visit
Change submission platform
(January 1, 2021)
SEHS journal has changed its manuscript submission platform to the Editorial Manager [] since January 1, 2021. The author can now submit the manuscript to the new platform.
Suspend the submission
(December 12, 2020)
Since the SEHS journal is changing its manuscript submission platform to the Editorial Manager, which will be available in early January 2021. Therefore, we have to suspend the submission of new manuscripts in the current system from 12 December 2020. The author can submit the new manuscript to SEHS again later in January 2021.
See the Future Conference 2020, 17-18 November 2020
(October 24, 2020)
Please be invited to attend Enago’s virtual conference, "See The Future", which will bring together a Nobel Laureate and some other luminaries from the research and publication industry.
Here's what to expect,
- Listen to Nobel Laureate Sir Richard Roberts discuss what it takes for the current generation to win a Nobel Prize and what does field-changing research mean.
- Learn how Harvard University managed to run its Research Office during the pandemic – a case study from the world’s top university by Ara Tahmassian, Chief Research Compliance Officer, Harvard University.
- Hear the Founder & CEO of QS, Mr. Nunzio Quacquarelli, speak about – what will higher education look like in 2022.
- Learn about the future of Open Science and Collaborations by Mr. Philip Terheggen, Managing Director, Elsevier STM Journals.
The virtual program includes a keynote session, a selection of live webinars, panel discussions, online presentations, and interactive Q&A sessions with top professionals in research education and publishing sectors. Given the current economic climate and the fact that knowledge dissemination has to continue, this event will be an 'open for all' event with no charges to attend.
Register now at (Complimentary Access)
Enago Webinar ‒ Understanding Research Ethics: How to Prevent Plagiarism
(March 8, 2021)
Enago and Hindawi are conducting an in-depth webinar ‒ Understanding Research Ethics: How to Prevent Plagiarism — with an aim to uphold scientific integrity by helping research scholars understand the significance of good ethical conduct. The focus will be placed on explaining the most common type of research misconduct—plagiarism and its different forms and effective strategies to prevent it.
Date: March 11, 2021 [Thursday]
Time: 8:30-9:30 AM (ET)
To register for the webinar, please click on Register Now
Researchers attending this webinar will have a better understanding of the following:
- An overview of research and publication ethics
- Importance of research ethics
- Major ethical issues and how to avoid them
- How to draft plagiarism-free manuscripts
- Legal consequences of IPR violation
Change submission platform
(January 1, 2021)
SEHS journal has changed its manuscript submission platform to the Editorial Manager [] since January 1, 2021. The author can now submit the manuscript to the new platform.
Suspend the submission
(December 12, 2020)
Since the SEHS journal is changing its manuscript submission platform to the Editorial Manager, which will be available in early January 2021. Therefore, we have to suspend the submission of new manuscripts in the current system from 12 December 2020. The author can submit the new manuscript to SEHS again later in January 2021.
See the Future Conference 2020, 17-18 November 2020
(October 24, 2020)
Please be invited to attend Enago’s virtual conference, "See The Future", which will bring together a Nobel Laureate and some other luminaries from the research and publication industry.
Here's what to expect,
- Listen to Nobel Laureate Sir Richard Roberts discuss what it takes for the current generation to win a Nobel Prize and what does field-changing research mean.
- Learn how Harvard University managed to run its Research Office during the pandemic – a case study from the world’s top university by Ara Tahmassian, Chief Research Compliance Officer, Harvard University.
- Hear the Founder & CEO of QS, Mr. Nunzio Quacquarelli, speak about – what will higher education look like in 2022.
- Learn about the future of Open Science and Collaborations by Mr. Philip Terheggen, Managing Director, Elsevier STM Journals.
The virtual program includes a keynote session, a selection of live webinars, panel discussions, online presentations, and interactive Q&A sessions with top professionals in research education and publishing sectors. Given the current economic climate and the fact that knowledge dissemination has to continue, this event will be an 'open for all' event with no charges to attend.
Register now at (Complimentary Access)
Article numbering will be used for articles in 2021
(September 27, 2020)
SEHS has moved from traditional method of sequential page numbering through the volume to article numbering system. This would helps us to maintain a rapid, flexible and efficient publication process by being able to define article number as soon as a paper is accepted. Papers in different sections can be published online as soon as they are ready, without having to wait for a whole issue to be allocated page numbers. Bibliographic references will change slightly. Articles should be referenced using an eight-digit article number instead of the page number.
Increase in the number of articles per volume of the journal
(September 24, 2020)
From 2021, the number of published articles per volume (year) for the Science, Engineering and Health Studies would be increased to 50-60 articles from the current 16-21 articles per volume. Please note that the increase in the number of articles does not imply any change in the policy of our journal. We will continue to strengthen the quality of SEHS by publishing the best academic works in the fields of sciences, engineering, health sciences and related fields.
The 2nd Asia Joint Conference on Computing
(August 11, 2020)
Information and computer technology play a vital role in several industrial sectors. The Asia Joint Conference on Computing (AJCC) provides a platform for engineers and scientists from both industry and academia to present their ongoing work, relate their research outcomes and experiences, and discuss the best and most efficient techniques for the development of reliable, secure, and trustworthy systems.
It also represents an excellent opportunity for the academic community to become more aware of subject areas critical to the software industry as practitioners bring their needs to the table.
The 2nd AJCC conference will be held from 25th-26th February, 2021 at Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand. Please visit for more details.
Call for Review Article
(August 4, 2020)
Science, Engineering and Health Studies (SEHS) provides the forum for reporting innovations, production methods, technologies, initiatives and the application of scientific knowledge to all aspects of physical sciences, biological sciences, engineering, health sciences and related fields. Recently, the articles published in SEHS, since 2018, have been indexed in SCOPUS (
The Editor-in-Chief, Pornsak Sriamornsak, is currently seeking review articles in the following areas:
1. Physical sciences - Chemistry, Physics, Material sciences
2. Biological sciences - Biology, Microbiology, Environmental sciences, Animal sciences, Plant sciences, Food technology, Biotechnology
3. Engineering - Chemical Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering
4. Health sciences - Pharmaceutical sciences, Biomedical sciences
Submission guidelines can be found at:
If you would like to discuss or propose your article with the Editor, please send e-mail to
The pandemic of COVID-19
(April 1, 2020)
The pandemic of COVID-19 affects all of us, and we will provide possible support to all authors. Although there is currently no significant impact on our service, we ask you to understand that this situation may lead to delays in the peer-review process. However, we would like to postpone the increase in the number of published articles per issues for the Science, Engineering and Health Studies to next year (2021).
International Conference on Engineering and Industrial Technology (ICEIT 2020)
(December 6, 2019)
International Conference on Engineering and Industrial Technology (ICEIT 2020) hosted by Silpakorn University, a major international conference bringing together researchers, engineers, and practitioners who work in the areas of engineering and industrial technology, will be held during 6-8 May 2020 at The ZIGN Hotel, Pattaya, Thailand. The scientific theme of ICEIT encompasses a wide spectrum of topics: Food and Biotechnology; Chemical, Mechanical, and Energy Engineering; Material Engineering; Electrical engineering, Electronics Computers, Telecommunications and Information Technology; Manufacturing Systems, Engineering Management and Logistics. For more information, please visit
SEHS indexed in Scopus
(November 11, 2019)
Recently, the articles published in Science, Engineering and Health Studies (SEHS), since 2018, have been indexed in SCOPUS ( SEHS is still committed to the highest standards of peer review, to developing the most promising new work available and to providing the forum for reporting innovations, technologies, initiatives and the application of scientific knowledge to all aspects of sciences, engineering, health sciences and related fields.
Increase in the number of articles per issue of the journal
(October 1, 2019)
From 2020, the number of published articles per issues for the Science, Engineering and Health Studies would be increased to 10-15 articles per issue from the current 5-7 articles per issue. Please note that the increase in the number of articles per issue does not presage any change in the policy of our journal. We will continue to strengthen the quality of SEHS by publishing the best academic works in the fields of sciences, engineering, health sciences and related fields.
Note (April 1, 2020): Due to the pandemic of COVID-19 situation, the schedule to increase the number of articles was postponed to next year (2021).
Call for paper
(August 5, 2019)
SEHS invites researchers, scholars and authors to submit their original research articles, review articles or short communications to publish in peer-reviewed international research journal. It provides the forum for reporting innovations, production methods, technologies, initiatives and the application of scientific knowledge to all aspects of sciences, engineering, health sciences and related fields ( All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and published online.
SEHS maintains all published papers in ThaiJO, which provides open access to published research. We index all published papers with SCOPUS, Google Scholar, TCI (Thai Citation Index) and ACI (ASEAN Citation Index).
Please note that we do not accept submissions of previously published works. No more than 20 percent of unoriginal text can be used by the author; these other places must be acknowledged and cited.
Please format your submissions according to the Author Guidelines (
Science, Engineering and Health Studies (SEHS) has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus
(July 27, 2019)
We are pleased to announce that Science, Engineering and Health Studies (SEHS) has been accepted for inclusion in the Scopus database. The journal editorial team is deeply grateful to the TCI-TRF-Scopus Collaboration Project, Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI) Center, and the local board for their constructive feedback contributing to the journal quality improvement. Future articles to be published in our journal will be indexed in Scopus, as well as TCI and ACI (ASEAN Citation Index).
APICENS 2020 : Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences
(June 19, 2019)
Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences (APICENS) is an international platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computing Science & IT Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Information Engineering and Technology, Material Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and all sub-fields.
2020 APICENS will take place from 17-19 March 2020 in Singapore. Prospective authors are invited to submit original research abstracts or full papers which were not, are not and have not been submitted/published/under consideration in other conferences and journals. For more information, please visit
2019 SPER International Conference & Exhibition
(June 5, 2019)
The Society of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (SPER) and Thai Industrial Pharmacist Association (TIPA) take great pleasure in inviting you to attend the SPER International Conference & Exhibition which is going to be held during 3-4 October 2019 at Narai Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. Uniting thousands pharma professionals from around the globe and many international exhibitors, it is the place to network and source cost-effective academic and industrial solutions from all over the world under one roof. This conference is an opportunity for researchers in academia and industry from different parts of the world to discuss inventions and critical issues in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Please visit for more details.
The scope of the journal has been changed.
(๋January 9, 2019)
Please note that the scope of the journal is revised and divided into 4 areas as followed.
1. Physical sciences:
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer sciences, Material sciences
2. Biological sciences:
Biology, Microbiology, Environmental sciences, Agricultures, Animal sciences, Plant sciences, Food technology, Biotechnology
3. Engineering:
Chemical Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical engineering
4. Health sciences:
Pharmaceutical sciences, Public health, Biomedical sciences
Journal title change
(January 15, 2018)
Science, Engineering and Health Studies (SEHS), sponsored by Silpakorn University, Thailand, was originally known as Silpakorn University Science and Technology Journal (ISSN Print: 1905-9159 ISSN Online: 2586-842x), which was launched in 2007 and ran for a decade before it was published under the new title Science, Engineering and Health Studies (Electronic ISSN: 2630-0087). The change has been effective as of January 2018 (Vol. 12, No.1).