Role of Exogenous Putrescine and Spermine Applications for Improving Banana Fruit Quality of Banana cv. Hom Thong at Low Temperature Storage

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Phrutiya Nilprapruck
Pimjai Meetum
Chanika Chanthasa


Putrescine (PUT) and spermine (SPM) are polyamines (PAs) which attribute to an intermediate for plant growth regulators. Moreover, there is an evidence that PAs are associated with the reduction of biotic and abiotic stresses in plant cell. To determine the effect of PUT and SPM on qualities of Musa AAA group cv. ‘Hom Thong’, mature bananas were immersed with 0.5 mM PUT or SPM for 5 min and stored at 10°C. The result indicated that PAs improved postharvest qualities and reduced browning symptom compared to untreated fruit. PUT and SPM also reduced weight loss and ion leakage. Additionally, the diminution in phenolic compounds, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activities indicated a reduction in browning symptom. Both PUT and SPM also affected fruit ripening. The treatments delayed the increase of total sugar and chlorophyll degradation indicating by the lower chlorophyll content, a* and b* values. SPM showed higher efficiency in improving qualities of banana cv. ‘Hom Thong’ than PUT.


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How to Cite
Nilprapruck, P., Meetum, P., & Chanthasa, C. (2017). Role of Exogenous Putrescine and Spermine Applications for Improving Banana Fruit Quality of Banana cv. Hom Thong at Low Temperature Storage. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 11(3), 9–15.
Research Articles


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