IoT-based device for water quality monitoring with mealworm feeding for vannamei shrimp

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Yasser Abd Djawad
Oslan Jumadi
Muhammad Junda
Edy Sabara
Rais Misi


The growth of vannamei shrimp is influenced by several factors, including feed and water quality.  The type of feed provided can affect the quality of water in which white shrimp live. In this study, feeds with 20%, 40%, and 60% mealworms were used as three feeding treatments for vannamei shrimp. The main goal of this study was to determine whether mealworm feeding affects water quality. Temperature sensors, pH sensors, and total dissolved solid (TDS) sensors were used in this study by utilizing internet of things (IoT) technology to monitor the water quality. The sensors were placed in four tanks with three types of mealworm feed at different percentage levels. Readings were taken from the sensors every hour and monitoring was conducted for 14 days. This was performed to evaluate the system capabilities. ANOVA was used to compare the effects of the three feeding regimens. The findings indicated that the temperature variances in all tanks were generally similar. However, notable variances were observed in the pH and TDS values. This study revealed that feeding mealworms at any feed dose had no discernible effect on water quality.


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Djawad, Y. A., Jumadi, O., Junda, M., Sabran, Sabara, E., & Misi, R. (2023). IoT-based device for water quality monitoring with mealworm feeding for vannamei shrimp. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 17, 23040004.


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