An integrative bioinformatics approach in microRNA data analytics of Alzheimer’s disease

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Jill Ann Chia
Mei Sze Tan
Siow-Wee Chang


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia clinically recognized by cognitive function impairment. Recently, the blood-based biomarkers relating to AD have been intensively investigated due to the minimum invasiveness and relatively low cost in the collection of blood samples compared to the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. In line with this, the study of the deregulation of microRNA (miRNA) levels in the blood of AD patients is also rising. In this study, data analysis was performed on the miRNA expression profiling dataset using an integrative bioinformatics approach. K-nearest neighbor imputation and quantile normalization were carried out as the data pre-processing step to remove outliers and reduce bias in the dataset. Differential expression analysis was performed to identify 10 significant dysregulated miRNAs. Subsequently, 16 pathways were determined to be involved by the selected 10 miRNA signatures, and 7 genes were predicted as the common target genes. The roles of these target genes in AD were substantiated through a review of the existing literature. Expansion of the current work on a larger scale of data analysis is needed to further validate and understand the mechanism of miRNAs in AD development.


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How to Cite
Chia, J. A., Tan, M. S. ., & Chang, S.-W. (2023). An integrative bioinformatics approach in microRNA data analytics of Alzheimer’s disease. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 17, 23030002.
Biological sciences


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