Fostering ayurvedic plant wellness: Innovative leaf disease detection using computer vision and machine learning

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Sakshi Koli
Anita Gehlot
Rajesh Singh
Vaseem Akram Shaik


Ayurveda is a conventional medicinal approach that has its roots in India and has been used for hundreds of years. It is still popular today since it is entirely natural and free of side effects. Although ayurvedic medicines are made from natural botanical substances, their safety depends on the way they are administered, taking into account the needs of the individual and the specific disease states they are treating. Diseases that affect the plants' leaves are regarded to be one of the main reasons for a decline in the output of ayurvedic plants in India's agricultural, economic, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical sectors. A plant exhibits signs of plant diseases in diverse sections of the plant, however, leaves are the most frequently observed component for spotting an infection. The objectives of this work are to modernize and innovate an autonomous ayurvedic plant leaf disease detection system by examining the scientific basis of computer vision. Additionally, a full analysis of computer vision techniques such as image pre-processing, segmentation, and feature extraction is covered to detect defects in plant leaves. This work investigates cutting-edge machine learning methods for identifying plant diseases that employ a variety of computer vision techniques. Based on the review, the article addresses the challenges and offers recommendations for changes that could be made in the future.


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Koli, S., Gehlot, A., Singh, R., & Shaik, V. A. (2024). Fostering ayurvedic plant wellness: Innovative leaf disease detection using computer vision and machine learning. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 18, 24010001.
Editorials and Reviews


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