Development of empirical models for calculating global and diffuse erythemal weighted solar ultraviolet radiation under clear sky conditions in Thailand
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This study introduced semi-empirical models for calculating hourly global and diffuse erythemal weighted ultraviolet (EUV) solar radiation under clear sky conditions in Thailand. To develop these models, global and diffuse erythemal ultraviolet data collected over a decade (2011–2020) from four solar monitoring stations situated in the main regions of Thailand were used. The data was classified into two groups. The first group (2011–2018) was used for modeling, while the second group (2019–2020) was reserved for model validation. The global and diffuse EUV radiation models revolve around semi-empirical functions. These functions express both types of EUV radiation in terms of normalized variables, specifically the total ozone column, aerosol optical depth, and air mass. To assess the accuracy of the proposed models, their outputs for hourly global and diffuse EUV radiation were calculated at the four monitoring stations. These outputs were then compared against actual measurements to validate the effectiveness of the models. The evaluation revealed a root mean square difference of 15.8% for global EUV radiation and 14.9% for diffuse EUV radiation when compared to the mean measured values.
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