Mother pregnancy age association with the incidence of low birth weight infants
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This analytical observational study aimed to determine the association between maternal age at childbirth and the incidence of low birth weight at Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia. The study period was from January to December 2019. The research design used cross-sectional with total sampling on medical records. These data included those of 46 non-low birth weight (LBW) and 32 LBW infants and were analyzed using SPSS version 17. During the study period, six incidents of LBW babies were recorded compared to six incidents of non-LBW babies from mothers aged <20 and >35 years, while the incidence of LBW babies to parents aged 20–35 years was 26 births compared to 40 births for non-LBW babies. There was a very high incidence (41%) of LBW in this period compared with the global average, although Pearson’s correlation coefficient exhibited no association between maternal age at childbirth and the prevalence of LBW (P-value = 0.498; odds ratio = 1.538; 95% confidence interval = 0.448–5.288).
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