Factors influencing health-related quality of life among post-sepsis patients at a university hospital in Bangkok Metropolitan Region
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This study aimed to determine the predictive power of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratios (NLRs), comorbidities, fatigue, and social support over health-related quality of life among post-sepsis patients. The sample consisted of 157 purposively selected post-sepsis patients aged ≥18 years who had been treated at the internal medicine ward, Siriraj Hospital. The forms included personal information and illness history, NLRs, Charlson comorbidity index, piper fatigue scale, The multidimensional scale of perceived social support, and the Euro QOL EQ-5D-5L. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. According to the analysis, the sample had a poor level of health-related quality of life scores (= 0.298, SD = 0.424). Multiple regression analysis showed that all independent variables were able to copredict health-related quality of life among post-sepsis patients at 69.3% (R2 = .693, F = 85.953, p< .01). NLRs, fatigue, and social support contributed to health-related quality of life among post-sepsis patients with statistical significance (β = −.131, p< .01, β = −.276, p< .05, β = −.580, p< .01, β = .099, p< .05, respectively).
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