Association of occupational noise exposure and stress in automotive parts manufacturing workers
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The objective of this study was to study occupational noise exposure and personal factors associated with health outcomes, stress, and cortisol levels. This study included 148 automotive parts manufacturing workers. Questionnaires were used to collect general data and assess stress levels. Noise measurements and samples of cortisol in the urine were taken. It is found that the workers exposed to noise ≥80 dBA had more anxiety, concern, phobias, and depression than those exposed to lower levels. Individuals with mental illnesses had higher cortisol levels. Some stress symptoms were associated with higher cortisol levels. People exposed to noise ≥80 dBA showed a higher prevalence of comorbidities related to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension than those exposed to noise <80 dBA. In conclusion, noise at work has a lower impact on workers than factors such as sex or stress level. However, this study found an association between stress symptoms and perceived stress with loud noise levels. Our findings point to occupational noise exposure as a potential stressor, with its effects exacerbating stress. Caution should be exercised, especially for workers who have personal traits that make them susceptible to stress.
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