Foaming and Emulsifying Properties of Rice Bran Extracts Obtained by Subcritical Water Treatment

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Pramote Khuwijitjaru
Panit Nualchan
Shuji Adachi


Rice bran, a by-product from rice milling process, contains a number of valuable components that imparteither functionality or nutritive value. This study explored the properties of rice bran extract that obtained bytreating the defatted rice bran with subcritical water at different temperatures (100, 150 and 200°C) and times (5,10 and 15 min) in a batch-type vessel. The liquid extracts were analyzed for a protein content, foaming activity and emulsifying and emulsion stabilizing activities. We found that increasing the treatment temperature increasedall of those values. Although treatment time affected trivially on those properties, long treatment time (15 min) at 200°C reduced the foaming activity and emulsion stabilizing activity of the extract significantly.


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Khuwijitjaru, P., Nualchan, P., & Adachi, S. (2013). Foaming and Emulsifying Properties of Rice Bran Extracts Obtained by Subcritical Water Treatment. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 1(1), 7–12. retrieved from
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