Effects of Levels of Sulfur Fertilizer on Growth of Digitaria eriantha Grass

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Auraiwan Isuwan
Jeerasak Saelim
Somsak Poathong


This study was aimed to determine and evaluate the effects of sulfur fertilizer application on the quantityand chemical composition of Digitaria eriantha grass. The experiment was conducted at Petchaburi AnimalNutrition Research and Development Center, Petchaburi, Thailand, during August to October, 2006. Treatmentsconsisted of 0, 12 and 24 kgS/rai applications in the form of ammonium sulfate and were arranged in randomizedcomplete block with 4 field blocks as replication. Grass was sampled at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks of regrowth todetermine biomass accumulation over maturation period between and within treatments. The samples of 6-weekold grass were subjected to chemical composition evaluation.

The results showed that there was a significant linear correlation between levels of S fertilizer applicationand biomass accumulation of 2-week old grass. Biomass accumulation was significantly increased with theincreasing rates of S fertilizer applications (120.56, 176.48 and 200.62 kgDM/rai at 0, 12 and 24 kgS/rai,respectively). Sulfur (0.09, 0.17 and 0.18 %DM) and crude protein (6.10, 8.22 and 10.25 %DM) concentrationsand crude protein yield (40.48, 61.35 and 76.00 kg/rai) had increased linearly with the increasing levels of sulfurfertilizer application of 0, 12 and 24 kgS/rai, respectively. The result of this study showed that quality of grasscan be improved through S fertilizer application. There is a need for further study on the effect of S applicationon ruminant performance to improve pasture management. This information can be used to make sensiblerecommendation for sustainable pasture management for animal production.


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How to Cite
Isuwan, A., Saelim, J., & Poathong, S. (2013). Effects of Levels of Sulfur Fertilizer on Growth of Digitaria eriantha Grass. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 1(2), 13–19. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sehs/article/view/7256
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