Automatic Remoting System for Detecting Minefield via Drone in Southern Thailand by Using Image Processing


  • Warissara Limpornchitwilai


Drone, Image Recognition, Mine field, Digital Image Processing, Correlation Coefficient


This research was developed for solving unrest in the southern border provinces of Thailand. By using image recognition technology combined with a drone to detect objects to help reduce the risk or loss of personnel in patrols for suspected objects or minefield. The concept of this work studies detection methods, finding road borders, characterization of minefield by digital correlation method. In the system performance test, 20 images were tested using image processing techniques to achieve the target efficiently. The results of the system have a 70 percent accuracy in corrected rate, a 5 percent false-negative rate, and a 25 percent false-positive rate.



How to Cite

Limpornchitwilai, W. (2020). Automatic Remoting System for Detecting Minefield via Drone in Southern Thailand by Using Image Processing. Science Technology and Innovation Journal, 1(3), 31–36. retrieved from



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