Motorcycle Theft Prevention System


  • Supachai Chumsena


Theft prevention, Motorcycles, Theft prevention system


At present, CCTV systems are used to prevent theft of motorcycles. But when the robbery happened, tracking the car back was very difficult. Although it can record the face of the villain. But it takes time to pursue prosecution for a long time. And maybe not the motorcycles of the Central return. Damage to the victims is very serious. And a lot of work for the police. This case is intended to solve the problem of theft. This is to prevent theft from the beginning. From the motorcycle theft system

Today's high-resolution camera technology comes in to create a face recognition system. This technology has been introduced to apply to verify ownership. Permission to move the car parking lot. To prevent non-owners from moving their motorcycles. Reduce the damage. And the truck to the police.


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How to Cite

Chumsena, S. (2021). Motorcycle Theft Prevention System. Science Technology and Innovation Journal, 2(1), 24–30. Retrieved from



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