Efficiency of Biofertilizer in Accelerating Growth of Chinese Kale, Cantonese and Celery under Organic Farming


  • Saovanee Choojit -


Plant growth promoting bacteria, Nitrogen fixation, Phosphorus solubilization, Potassium solubilization


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of bacteria groups which had certain properties to promote plant growth. The bacteria group was used as a group for the preparation of biofertilizers by mixing organic fertilizer with the isolated bacteria and then used for growing 3 types of organic vegetables, namely kale, cantonese and celery. The experiment was designed by completely randomized design consisting of 4 methods which the ratio of organic fertilizer to bacteria group at 1:0, 1:0.5, 1:1, and 1:1.5. The results showed that, the biofertilizers were affected the growth of all 3 types of vegetables in terms of plant height, leaf length, leaf width, and plant weight. Specifically, in the average weight, the average weight of the kale of biofertilizer ratio of 1:1 gave the highest mean weight of kale at 158.5 g while the ratio of biofertilizer ratio of 1:1.5 gave the average weight of the cantonese kale at 186.7 g, and the mean weight of celery was found that biofertilizer ratio of 1:1.5 gave the highest mean weight of celery at 24.8 g, which was a statistically significant difference at 95 percent compared to the organic fertilizer that does not add bacteria. It can be concluded that the biofertilizer obtained the bacteria group has an effect on accelerating the growth of vegetables in organic cultivation. It can be developed into a product or a component of the product for use in promoting plant growth effectively.


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How to Cite

Choojit, S. (2022). Efficiency of Biofertilizer in Accelerating Growth of Chinese Kale, Cantonese and Celery under Organic Farming. Science Technology and Innovation Journal, 3(3), 13–24. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/stij/article/view/254429



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