Automatic monitoring water quality system of giant freshwater prawn pond


  • Thitipong Unchai -


water quality, giant freshwater prawn, microcontroller


This research has designed and developed a water quality monitoring system in giant freshwater prawn pond. To test the performance of the microcontroller system to test the efficiency of the water quality monitoring system in the 3 × 3 meters prawn pond, water capacity in the pond 9000 liters. by simulating the water quality situation to be considered by the factors that cause the system to consider the occurrence of water in the pond and decided to open the water pump system for water treatment of the microcontroller board system, including by the factors that make the system consider the occurrence of water in the pond and decided to turn on the water pump system for water treatment, namely the value of water oxygen followed by alkaline, for the pH value, the change was too low than the condition of opening the treatment system of the microcontroller board system. The system has an efficiency of 82.73% and an energy efficiency of 82.3% compared to traditional systems.


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How to Cite

Unchai, T. (2022). Automatic monitoring water quality system of giant freshwater prawn pond. Science Technology and Innovation Journal, 3(4), 1–11. Retrieved from



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