A Study of the Mechanical Properties of Prestressed Soil Walls


  • อนุชา บุญเกิด -
  • Wipawee Srathongkam
  • Nisit Thawornwong
  • Prayoon Yongamnuai
  • Thiwakon Thamsaart


Rammed Earth, Modulus of Rupture, Mechanical Properties, Cement Stabilized, Axial load


The purposes of this research were to determine the optimum ratio of prestressed earth wall construction using local soil. and to test the mechanical and physical properties of the prestressed soil walls. Analyze the physical properties of the soil in 9 ratios (cement: sand: soil: water) to classify soil types. The variable depends on the cement content and the water cement ratio (w/c). Determine the best mixed set based on considering of the highest compressive strength, flexural strength and water absorption of compressed soil and follow by determine of the water absorption. The tests were conducted various curing periods of 7, 28 and 56 days. The results showed that laterite soil is a type of poorly graded sand (SP), the same size of gravel, gravel sand and little or no fine grains. The amount of water absorption and density tended to increase with increasing duration. The C1W2 (1: 2: 3: 0.5) sample mixture ratio show the highest compressive strength was 132.93 kg/cm2. This mixing ratio was tested for the highest modulus of rupture which was greater than 0.275 MPa. This prestressed soil wall can withstand the force of not less than 4,100 kg/cm2.


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How to Cite

บุญเกิด อ., Srathongkam, W., Thawornwong, N., Yongamnuai, P., & Thamsaart, T. (2023). A Study of the Mechanical Properties of Prestressed Soil Walls . Science Technology and Innovation Journal, 4(2), 22–33. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/stij/article/view/257961



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