The Impact of Traffic on Highway No. 304 on the Wildlife: A Case Study Between Markers 191 and 250 Kilometers

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Kroekrit Srisuwor
Ronglarp Sukmasuang
Prateep Duengkae


The study of impact of traffic on highway No. 304 on wildlife, was investigated along the highway between Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Wang Nam Khieo district, Nakorn Ratchasima province and Park Ranger Station (Lam Phraya Tarn), Nadi district, Prachinburi province, between markers 191 and 250 kilometers, with a total length of 59 km. The study was undertaken between December 2018 and August 2019 and had a total accumulative distance of 1,062 km. The objectives were to study the species diversity, abundance, and environmental conditions of wildlife species that were killed by traffic on the road. The results found 41 wildlife species, with 176 individuals were killed by the traffic. There were 14 aves species with 79 individuals, followed by 14 reptilian species with 37 individuals, 6 amphibian species with 36 individuals, and 7 mammalian species with a total of 24 individuals. The study also found that most of the deaths occurred during night time. A higher number of aves, reptilian, and mammalian species were killed by cars in the wet season compared to the dry season. On the other hand, a higher number of amphibian species were killed by cars during the dry season. All the wild species were killed by cars near villages or areas under human activity. The study also found that the highest death rate of the species was between the markers 200th - 209th kilometers. This study also showed that the number of vehicles on the highway were positively correlated with mammalian species killed by cars. This study confirmed that the usage of highway by all the vehicles mostly impacted the reptilian species as determined by the diversity index. Recommendations based on this study to reduce rate of the wildlife death are to restrict the car speeds on the road, and to protect the fallen agricultural produce from trucks during passage from the forest. The recommendation also concerns with the adaptation in activities of the local people that are located along both sides of the highway to reduce the frequency of wildlife especially by reducing the garbage in the area. The construction of a wildlife corridor should be undertaken. Barriers should be placed along both sides of the road to protect and prevent wildlife crossings on the highway to reduce the loss of diversity.


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How to Cite
Srisuwor, K., Sukmasuang, R., & Duengkae, P. (2020). The Impact of Traffic on Highway No. 304 on the Wildlife: A Case Study Between Markers 191 and 250 Kilometers. Thai Journal of Forestry, 39(1), 11–27. Retrieved from
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