Litter Decomposition of Various Bamboo Plantations at Royal Agricultural Station Angkhang, Chiang Mai Province

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Peerathat Chaiyasart
Roongreang Poolsiri
Maliwan Haruthaithanasan


Litter decomposition in bamboo plantations was studied in three bamboo species (Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro, Bambusa oldhamii Munro and Dendrocalamus brandisii Kurz) at the Royal Agricultural Station Angkhang, from November 2014 to October 2015 using a randomized complete block design; (RCBD)

The result showed that the annual litter decomposition of leaves was fastest in D. brandisii followed by B. oldhamii and D. latiflorus (69.41, 60.90 and 57.21%, respectively) and the annual decomposition rate constant (k) was 1.18, 0.94 and 0.85 per year, respectively. The annual litter decomposition of sheathes was fastest in D. brandisii followed by D. latiflorus and B. oldhamii (75.92, 54.43 and 45.09%, respectively) and the annual decomposition rate constant (k) was 1.42, 0.79 and 0.60 per year, respectively. The monthly dry weight loss of three bamboo species was related similarly for temperature, relative humidity and rainfall. The concentration of N and P in leaf and sheath litter were low in the initial stage and increased subsequently, whereas the concentration of K in leaf and sheath litter were tended to decrease. There was a decrease in the concentration of Ca and Mg in leaf litter, whereas these tended to increase in the sheath litter.

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How to Cite
Chaiyasart, P., Poolsiri, R., & Haruthaithanasan, M. (2018). Litter Decomposition of Various Bamboo Plantations at Royal Agricultural Station Angkhang, Chiang Mai Province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 37(2), 48–59. Retrieved from
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