Application of CA-Markov Model to Predict Land Use Changes in Khao Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary, Chanthaburi Province

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Suwimon Tonsiri
Wanchai Arunpraparut
Weeraphart Khunrattanasiri


The study is aimed to apply GeoInformatics technology for monitoring land use change between 1990-2001 and 2001-2012, and CA-Markov model was employed for predicting land use in 2023. The overall accuracy assessment of image classification was 92.00% and the Kappa statistics was 0.8993.

The results of land use change between 1990-2001 shown that the area of perennial, urban, water bodies and other area were increased as 4.95%, 2.29%, 0.07%, 0.03% and 0.09%, respectively.
In the meantime forest area was decreased 0.85% to be crop land orchard and perennial, respectively. While the land use change between 2001-2012 found that the orchard and perennial were still increased as 2.50% and 0.75%, respectively. The mostly forest area was changed 0.11% to be orchard, perennial and other area. The prediction of future land use pattern in 2023 based on transformation matrix between 2001-2012 found 7 land use classes as the forest area orchard perennial crop land urban water bodies and other area for 79.22% , 7.44%,  7.12%,  5.50%,  0.34%,  0.27% and 0.11%, respectively.


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How to Cite
Tonsiri, S., Arunpraparut, W., & Khunrattanasiri, W. (2018). Application of CA-Markov Model to Predict Land Use Changes in Khao Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary, Chanthaburi Province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 37(2), 138–150. Retrieved from
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