Assessment of Land Suitability by Using GeoInformatics Technology in Wang Nam Khiao District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Kesinee Nongpho
Wanchai Arunpraparut
Weeraphart Khunrattanasiri


The objective of the study was to assess the suitability of land use in Wang Nam Khiao district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, which the criteria of land suitability was followed FAO in 1983. The Geoinformatics technology was applied for the physical of soil and the land use classification was derived from Satellite imageries in 2013.

The total area can be classified into 8 land use categories: forest area, perennial, orchard, crop land, paddy field, urban, water bodies and other area. The percentage is 53.36, 3.07, 3.79, 27.04, 2.11, 4.74, 0.96 and 4.91 km2 respectively. The overall accuracy assessment of image classification was about 85% and the Kappa coefficient of 0.8242.

The land suitability classes in the study were classified into 4 levels which consisted of highly suitable with 120.29 km2 (11.30%), moderately suitable 220.73 km2 (20.74%), Marginal suitable 304.59 km2 (28.62%) and non-suitable about 418.59 km2 (39.33%).

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How to Cite
Nongpho, K., Arunpraparut, W., & Khunrattanasiri, W. (2018). Assessment of Land Suitability by Using GeoInformatics Technology in Wang Nam Khiao District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 37(2), 151–163. Retrieved from
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