Palynological studies of some species of Fabaceae in Phuket province

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Pranee Insuton
Benchawon Chiwapreecha


The study of pollen grain in 18 species of family Fabaceae in Phuket province namely Bauhinia monandra Kurz, B. pottsii G. Don, B. purpurea L., Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw., Cassia fistula L., C. grandis L.f., Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit., Parkia speciosa Hassk, P. timoriana (DC.) Merr., Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) Backer ex K. Heyne, Phanera aureifolia (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Banyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Saraca indica L., Senna floribunda (Cav.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, S. siamea (Lam.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, S. timoriensis (DC.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir., Strongylodon macrobotrys A. Gray and Tamarindus indica L. has been undertaken by acetolysis method. The palynological characters were examined by compound light microscope and scanning electron microscope (LM & SEM). The results showed difference palynological characteristics of which the pollens could be divided into two groups. The first one has two different types : the first one is tetrad pollen with pantoporate apertures and finely reticulate exine sculpturing was found in Bauhinia pottsii and the second one is polyad pollen with pantoporate aperture type with rugulate exine sculpturing which was found in Parkia speciosa and P. timoriana. The second one is monad pollen (15 species) most of them (14 species) has the pollen characters with tricolporate aperture type and exine sculpturing varied from rugulate, striate, reticulate and finely reticulate, only Bauhinia monandra found 5-zonocolporate and baculate exine sculpturing.


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How to Cite
Insuton, P., & Chiwapreecha, B. (2018). Palynological studies of some species of Fabaceae in Phuket province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 37(1), 16–30. Retrieved from
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