Seed Physical Characteristics, Seed Storage Behaviour and Seedling Propagation of Native Plants in Phra Prong Riparian Forest, Watthana Nakhon District, Sa Kaeo Province

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Panya Waiboonya
Boontida Moungsrimuangdee
Prapatsorn Yodsanga
Panadda Larpkern


The riparian forests tend to decrease continuously. Studies of ecology of riparian plants are important for riparian forest restoration. This research aimed to study seed biology, identify seed storage behaviour and select planting media for seedling propagation of riparian native plants growing along Phra Prong Canal, Sa Kaeo Province. Acacia sp. and Ventilago harmandiana had the lightest seed weight (dry weight 0.02 g) while, Hydnocarpus anthelminthicus seeds were the heaviest (1.80 g). Acacia sp. had the lowest seed moisture content (5.9%), whereas Connarus cochinchinensis had the highest (45.7%). Investigating seed storage behaviour we found that Acacia sp., H. anthelminthicus and V. harmandiana were orthodox species. C. cochinchinensis was the only intermediate species and Derris scandens, Knema globularia, Streblus asper and Xanthophyllum lanceatum were all recalcitrant species. Seedling growth of riparian native trees, H. anthelminthicus and X. lanceatum, placed in different types of planting media was investigated. High growth and survival rate were found in H. anthelminthicus in the riparian forest soil mixed with bagasse. On the other hand, growth and survival rate of X. lanceatum were lowest in the riparian forest soil mixed with bagasse. The media containing coir or husk were suitable for X. lanceatum seedling growth and survival.


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Waiboonya, P., Moungsrimuangdee, B., Yodsanga, P., & Larpkern, P. (2018). Seed Physical Characteristics, Seed Storage Behaviour and Seedling Propagation of Native Plants in Phra Prong Riparian Forest, Watthana Nakhon District, Sa Kaeo Province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 37(1), 31–45. Retrieved from
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