The Impacts of Climate Change, Forest Fire and Forest Fire Frequency on Barometer Earthstar (Astraeus sp.) Production in Dry Dipterocarp Forest at Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Uthai Thani Province

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Sunanta Wisittipanich
Sudchai Wisittipanich
Kittima Duengkae
Sirirat Janmahasatien


The study of the impacts of climate change, forest fires and forest fire frequency on barometer earthstar (Astraeus sp.) production in dry dipterocarp forest at Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Uthai Thani province, Thailand used climate data from the area and established ten permanent plots of 100m x 100m (1-ha) size of each in dry dipterocarp forest. Those plots were treated every year with different fire frequencies for 9 years, from 2008 to 2016. Data of mushroom production were observed between 2015 and 2016 and collected from April to June. In mushroom production’s daily, the plot divided from 100m x 100m plot to 100 plots of 10m x 10m size for collecting the data of occupying coordinate and total weight. Then, number of mushroom, mean of mushroom size and mean of mushroom weight were used from random 4 replications of 100 g from each plot. Moreover, analysis of variance was used to relate statistical analysis of mushroom’s total weight and fire frequency. The study indicated that climate affected barometer earthstar yield more than forest fire, due to in 2015 had El Niño phenomenon that there were no mushrooms production in all plots. The production had only in 2016, was the highest in biannual burn plots (5,719 g/ha) and followed by 1-year alternate burn plots (4,081 g/ha), every 6-years burn plot (3,919 g/ha) and the lowest in annual burn plots (3,700 g/ha) but there were no yield in no burn plots. Anyway, there were no significant effect of mushroom’s total weight and fire frequency. In addition, the knowledge gained from this study could be used to promote public awareness of the impacts of climate change and forest fire that will affect mushrooms as a source of income. The suitable file frequency to increase barometer earthstar yield and sustain dry dipterocarp forest regeneration was biannual fire.


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How to Cite
Wisittipanich, S., Wisittipanich, S., Duengkae, K., & Janmahasatien, S. (2018). The Impacts of Climate Change, Forest Fire and Forest Fire Frequency on Barometer Earthstar (Astraeus sp.) Production in Dry Dipterocarp Forest at Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Uthai Thani Province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 37(1), 96–110. Retrieved from
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