Evaluation of site-clones matching of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) in Thailand

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Ponthep Meunpong
Sapit Diloksumpun
Chongrak Wachrinrat
Saroj Wattanasuksakul
Suwan Tangmitcharoen


 The study of “Evaluation of site-clones matching of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) in Thailand” was conducted in 16-year-old Teak clonal test plots located in 3 regions including 1) Northern region at Kamphaeng Phet Silvicultural research station, Kamphaeng Phet province 2) Western region at Thong Pha Phum Silvicultural research station, Kanchanaburi province and 3) Southern region at Sonhkla Silvicultural research station, Sonhkla province. Suitable clones were selected by using genetic gain value, which were calculated from DBH data of each plantation site. Afterward, 10 clones per site were selected i.e. Western region; number 336, 335, 265, 324, 273, 160, 271, 267, 89, 333, Northern region; 120, 245, 282, 116, 327, 83, 129, 290, 146, 158, Southern region; 246, 36, 119, 336, 292, 345, 91, 159, 27, 130, respectively. Data evaluation by using GIS technique classified teak site suitability into 5 classes mostly classified in good and moderate site classes with 89.66 and 25.0 m rai, respectively. Total area of teak suitable site was 117.88 m rai. Moreover, the results indicated that environmental factors affected to teak growth, similar number of clone expressed absolutely difference results of tree size when growing in difference sites. Therefore, appropriated clonal-site matching should be concern from plantation owners.


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Meunpong, P., Diloksumpun, S., Wachrinrat, C., Wattanasuksakul, S., & Tangmitcharoen, S. (2017). Evaluation of site-clones matching of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) in Thailand. Thai Journal of Forestry, 36(2), 24–34. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tjf/article/view/246828
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