Provenance Trials of 1-year old Acacia mangium Willd. at Wang Nam Khiew Forestry Research and Training Station, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Somporn Maelim
Nathawat Khlangsap
Bunvong Thaiutsa


In Thailand, Acacia mangium Willd. as an exotic and fast-growing tree can be used to the wide range, such as, furniture, sawn wood, pulp and paper, and wood pellets. This experiment brought seeds from 14 different provenances to be planted at Wang Nam Khiew Forestry Research and Training Station. The studies aimed to test variation and comparative growth and heritability of those provenances. The results showed that A. mangium Willd. had survival rate between 76.39 - 97.22 percent. Diameter at ground level (D0) was between 4.97 - 6.12 cm, diameter at breast height (DBH) was between 3.45 - 4.51 cm and height (Ht) was between 3.65 - 4.62 m. There were a significant difference in all traits when tested for variability. Heritability for D0, DBH and Ht were 50.41, 49.93 and 60.93%, respectively. When ranked scores to find the best provenances, it was found that provenance code no. 8 from Upper Aramia, PNG presented the best growth. At this early stage, it could be recommended that the most suitable provenance for planting is that from Upper Aramia (Papua New Guinea).


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Maelim, S., Khlangsap, N., & Thaiutsa, B. (2017). Provenance Trials of 1-year old Acacia mangium Willd. at Wang Nam Khiew Forestry Research and Training Station, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 36(2), 35–45. Retrieved from
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