Marketing and Financial Analysis of Stingless Beekeeping in Chanthaburi Province

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Santi Suksard
Anantachai Srithong


The objectives of this study were to determine production, marketing and financial analysis of stingless beekeeping in Chanthaburi province. Data was gathered by interviewing 54 stingless beekeepers and 3 middlemen. The statistical analysis were used frequency, percentage and mean for general data, production and marketing. There were benefit-cost ratio, net present value, internal rate of return for financial analysis with the given life of project is 10 years, discount rate of 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 percent.

Stingless beekeeper were average age 48.62 years. Their main occupation were gardening, number of household members were average 1.55 person. Most of stingless beekeepers had simple steps of reproducing. After one year from reproducing could harvest honey and wax. In 2015 there were total honey keeping 313,600 ml and wax 92 kg. Problems of stingless beekeeping were lacking materials to make box 94.73 percent. The most honey packaging for sale contained old whiskey bottle 750 ml and wax used plastic rap to pack for sale. Stingless beekeepers mostly offer their own sale price, with honey selling price were 350-2,000 baht (180-750 ml), and wax price were 2,000 baht/kg. Their mostly were direct sale to them consumers, the government acts as a marketing promotion instead of them. However stingless beekeepers were 6.25 percent to used facebook for advertising .The problem of this marketing was shortage of honey to sell 100 percent. Financial analysis of 9 stingless beekeepers indicated that B/C >1, NPV >0 and IRR > the determining discount rate, so the investment had been profitable.


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How to Cite
Suksard, S., & Srithong, A. (2017). Marketing and Financial Analysis of Stingless Beekeeping in Chanthaburi Province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 36(2), 67–76. Retrieved from
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