Opinions of People on Human and Elephant Conflict Problem Solution by Moat around Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary, Chachoengsao Province

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Napawadee Songmanee
Ronglarp Sukmasuang
Rachanee Pothitan
Sermphan Sariman


Conflict between local people and wild elephants at Khao Ang Rue Nai wildlife sanctuary has been a critical problem for a long period of time. A total of 466 kilometers of moat has been employed to solve the problem. However, the acceptance of the local people is unknowns. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the socio – economic of the local people, to evaluate the people opinions about the problem solution by moat, and to fine the significant factor influencing people decision making. Questionnaires and direct interview were collected from the people of 5 villages (337 respondents) around Khao Ang Rue Nai wildlife sanctuary. The results were testd by t-test and F-test at p < 0.05 significant level.

The results showed the most population were found female with their average age of 41.99 years. Their educational level was elementary school. The average number of household member were 5.07. Their average resettled periods was 23.82 years. Main occupation was agriculture and subsidiary occupations were contractors. The average annual household incomes were 130,210 bath and average annual household expenditure 110,040 baths, and average size of land holding were 23.60 rais. In addition, people want land uses increase average 19.58 rais. The growing popularity of cassava. Wild elephants have been destroyed agricultural crops 68.8%. The amount of damage caused by wild elephants was average. 19.60 time/year 4.35 rais 7.58 trunk 27,879 baths. The perceived boundaries Khao Ang Rue Nai wildlife sanctuary as well. And these obtaining information on wild elephants from relatives or neighbors and the opinions of the people in study least than questionnaires determination.

A factor affecting the opinions of the people to solve the human and elephant conflict problem by man-made moat is the level of damage caused by wild elephants.


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How to Cite
Songmanee, N., Sukmasuang, R., Pothitan, R., & Sariman, S. (2017). Opinions of People on Human and Elephant Conflict Problem Solution by Moat around Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary, Chachoengsao Province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 36(2), 107–118. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tjf/article/view/246860
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