Analysis of Forestry Journals in Thailand, 1954-2013

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Chuthamas Pattanawatcharakul
Chutima Sacchanand
Dusit Wechakit


The purpose of this research were to analyze management of journals of forestry, and the contents of journal of forestry published in Thailand. The population was journal of forestry 9 journals 342 issues 2,872 articles published between 1954-2013. An information recording form was used as the research tool. The results showed that (1) management aspect, most of the journals of forestry were issued biannually; their purpose was to disseminate research and academic articles; the scope of their contents was forestry; references the end of the article; a quality assessment; published in both paper and online editions. (2) The majority of articles had one author; most of the research articles /original articles/ short communications, most of the content of the article was the forest biology; most of research area located in Thailand at Chiang Mai and Nakhon Ratchasima; in Thai Language; reference most journal articles and books are published material, which was a foreign language.

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How to Cite
Pattanawatcharakul, C., Sacchanand, C., & Wechakit, D. (2017). Analysis of Forestry Journals in Thailand, 1954-2013. Thai Journal of Forestry, 36(1), 89–98. Retrieved from
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