Value of Soil Ecosystem Services in the Upstream Regions impacted by Landslide in Maephoon Sub-district, Lablae District, Uttaradit Province

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Alongkorn Wongmun
Kanchaya Maosew
Jaruntorn Boonyanuphap


 This study aimed to estimate the value of soil ecological services impacted by landslide under three main upstream ecosystems of Maepoon Sub-district, there are mixed deciduous forest, mixed deciduous forest with bamboo, and mixed fruit tree-based agroforestry. The study emphasized on economic valuation of soil ecosystem services concerning soil fertility, soil water storage, and soil used in real estate and building construction for individual main ecosystem, in which landslide situation is under the middle successional stage of ecological secondary succession after 9 years of landslide occurrence. The results showed that mixed fruit tree-based agroforestry had the highest value of total soil ecosystem service with 288,328.37 Baht/rai or 1802052.3125 Bath/ha followed by mixed deciduous forest with bamboo, mixed deciduous forest, landslide-damaged mixed deciduous forest, landslide-damaged mixed deciduous forest with bamboo, and landslide-damaged mixed deciduous forest of 264,870.74, 246,642.03, 244,452.19, 166,726.48 and 144,232.73 Baht/rai, respectively or 1,655,442.12 1,541,512.69 1,527,826.19 1,042,040.50 and 901,454.56 Bath/ha, respectively. The different economic value of soil ecosystem services caused by the landslide was evidently shown in mixed deciduous forest with values of 102,409.30 Baht/rai or 640,058.12 Bath/ha followed by mixed deciduous forest with bamboo and mixed fruit tree-based agroforestry (98,144.26 or 613,401.62 Bath/ha and 43,876.18 Baht/rai or 274,226.12 Bath/ha, respectively). In particular, mixed deciduous forest with bamboo showed the highest different economic value in soil fertility and soil water storage with the values of 27,324.74 Baht/rai or 170,779.62 Bath/ha and 2,043.45 Baht/rai/year or 12,771.56 Bath/ha, respectively. While, mixed deciduous forest showed the highest different economic value in soil quantity for construction with the values of 91,489.27 Baht/rai or 571,807.94 Bath/ha. These results showed the significant difference in economic values between the status qua and under the landslide condition, which is derived from soil ecosystem services in the upstream region. However, the comprehensive framework for the economic assessment of soil ecosystem services is necessary to be developed to better inform decision-making at local level regarding land resources management in the upstream region of the study area.

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How to Cite
Wongmun, A., Maosew, K., & Boonyanuphap, J. (2017). Value of Soil Ecosystem Services in the Upstream Regions impacted by Landslide in Maephoon Sub-district, Lablae District, Uttaradit Province. Thai Journal of Forestry, 36(1), 99–112. Retrieved from
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