Comparing Park Officials’ and Visitors’ Impact Acceptability in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand

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Sangsan Phumsathan
Sanjay K. Nepal


This study examined the level of acceptability of ecological impacts from visitor activities among Park officials and domestic and international visitors in Thailand’s Khao Yai National Park. The study was based on questionnaire interviews, conducted on-site, with 548 domestic and 40 international visitors and 38 park officials during December 2008 and February 2009. The results showed that acceptability ratings of ecological conditions in Khao Yai National Park were all below 3.5 (5 point scale) indicating there is much room for improving ecological conditions. Domestic visitors were less tolerant of ecological impacts than either Park officials or international visitors. Areas that had the lowest acceptability rating, for example, garbage accumulation, solid waste in water, suspended solid matter on water surface, and monkeys begging for food, indicate that visitors were concerned particularly about these issues. Immediate attention to these issues is necessary, and should receive top priority for remedial action. The results indicate that Khao Yai National Park needs to strengthen its ecological education programs aimed at the visitors.  


Keywords: impact acceptability rating, ecological impacts, national parks, Khao Yai National Park


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How to Cite
Phumsathan, S. ., & K. Nepal, S. . (2022). Comparing Park Officials’ and Visitors’ Impact Acceptability in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Thai Journal of Forestry, 31(2), 92–107. Retrieved from
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