Forest Carbon, Soil Nutrients, and Heavy Metal Status after 15 years of Small-scale Gold Mining in Guyana

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Devon George
Amnat Chidthaisong


This study evaluated the impacts of small-scale gold mining on forest regeneration, soil nutrients, and the accumulation of heavy metals over a chronosequence of 1-15 years after mining activities in Mahdia, Guyana. Thirteen 50m x 50m plots were established across twelve mined-out sites, with three plots each in areas abandoned after 1, 5, 10, and 15 years, along with a control plot. Soil samples were taken from each mining plot, along with collection of tree data, including species composition, height, and diameter at breast height (DBH) for trees >4 cm in diameter. Small trees (DBH 1-4 cm) were measured within subplots of size 10m x 10m, and saplings were counted in 4m x 4m plots. The control plot was dominated by four species: Mora gonggrijpii, Chlorocardium rodiei, Mora excelsa, and Catostemma commune, which contributed more than 60% of the overall species sampled, with biomass and carbon content measured at 665 ton/ha and 313 tonC/ha, respectively. In contrast, tree regeneration in mined-out areas was significantly slower, with only 1-2 tree species present after 15 years and the maximum biomass and carbon content estimated between 1.3-1.5 tonC/ha. Heavy metal levels generally returned to levels similar to that of the control, except for mercury and lead, which were two-fold and four-fold higher, respectively. Additionally, nitrogen and phosphorus levels were considerably lower, likely contributing to the limited accumulated biomass through regrowth and altered species composition in the mined-out soils.


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George, D., & Chidthaisong, A. . (2024). Forest Carbon, Soil Nutrients, and Heavy Metal Status after 15 years of Small-scale Gold Mining in Guyana. วารสารวนศาสตร์ไทย, 43(2), 174–190. สืบค้น จาก


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