Genetic Relationship Assessment of Apples Using HAT-RAPD Technique

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Narumol Thanananta
Kanittha Kittisubjareng
Theerachai Thanananta


High annealing temperature-random amplified polymorphic DNA (HAT-RAPD) technique was used for genetic relationship assessment of 14 apple samples that sold in Thailand. Thirty-one random primers out of seventy-two were successful for DNA amplification. Then 20 random primers which gave clear amplified products were selected for DNA fingerprinting. The result showed significant differences among 14 samples and also showed some bands in each sample. Moreover, this research found 3 random primers which tended to be DNA markers for apple identification. A dendrogram constructed based on polymorphic bands showed genetic similarities among apples and separated them into 3 clusters with similarity coefficients ranging from 0.57 to 0.86.

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How to Cite
Thanananta, N., Kittisubjareng, K., & Thanananta, T. (2024). Genetic Relationship Assessment of Apples Using HAT-RAPD Technique. Thai Journal of Science and Technology, 12(1), 1–8.


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