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In this paper, an electrostatic collector for smoke removal from the in-house cooking process was developed and efficiency evaluated. This developed prototype was consisted of the multi-tubes collector, 25 kV DC high voltage power supply and closed-loop control system. In this study, the wire-to-cylinder and mesh-to-cylinder collectors were evaluated and compared in the current-voltage characteristics as well as numerical and experimental collection efficiencies. The collection efficiency was experimentally evaluated as a mass loading ratio between the difference at the inlet and the outlet to the particulate loading at the inlet of the collector. In the current-voltage characteristics, it was found from the results that the maximum discharging currents from both collectors were about 1.08 and 0.78 mA for the wire-to-cylinder and the mesh-to-cylinder, respectively. For the numerical and experimental collection efficiencies, the numerical calculation results were showed that the average collection efficiency of the wire-to-cylinder and mesh-to-cylinder collectors were about 92.7 and 67.8 %, respectively, and the experimental results were showed that the average collection efficiency of the wire-to-cylinder and mesh-to-cylinder collectors were about 84.3 and 53.0 %, respectively, for the particulate size range between 10 nm and 2.5 µm at the operating temperature of about 150 oC, the operating pressure of about 1 bar and the particulate flow rate of 10 L/min.
Keywords: electric field; particulate matter; electrostatic precipitation; hood
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