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This research aimed to study the effect of program enhancing self-efficacy in breastfeeding. The sample was collected 30 dyads of mothers and preterm infants. The experimental group received the program enhancing self-efficacy in breastfeeding with family’s participation and the control group received the routine nursing care. The research instruments used program enhancing self-efficacy in breastfeeding with family’s participation, breast milk expression and collection equipment, breastfeeding logs and growth chart for preterm infant. Data was analyzed by One-way ANOVA. The result was found the weight gain of preterm infants in the experimental group was statistically significantly higher than those of control group [F (3,56) = 11.525, p < 0.001]. When compare between the subgroup of preterm infants were found the weight gain of moderate preterm infants (32-33 weeks) in both groups were no significant, but the weight gain of late preterm infants (34-37 weeks) in experimental group was statistically significantly higher than those the control group (p < 0.05). While the duration of breastfeeding was analyzed by using independent t-test. The result was found the duration of breastfeeding in the experimental group ( = 56.00 day, S.D. = 5.930) was found statistically significant longer than control group ( = 46.43 day, S.D. = 8.186) (p < 0.001). These finding result showed that the family’s participation with a breast-feeding self-efficacy program might improve the continuation of breastfeeding and promote the weight gain of late preterm infants.
Keywords: self-efficacy; family’s participation; preterm infant; breastfeeding
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