Efficiency of Nano-confined Catalytic Oxidation Air Purifier to Reduce Amount of Particulate Matter and Airborne Microorganisms in Medical Science Laboratory

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Pornpen Gamnarai
Suntaree Suantubtim


This research aims to study the efficiency of nano-confine catalytic oxidation air purifiers (NCCO), a new air purifier technology. Air purifier efficiency was measured by comparing the amount of particulate matter and airborne microorganisms before and after turning on the air purifier (after 1 hour, 6 hours, and 14 days) in three medical science laboratories, biochemistry, anatomy, and microbiology laboratory. The results significantly in reduced the amount of particulate matter and airborne microorganisms in the first hour of operation. When compared to the Air Quality Index (AQI) standards in Thailand, it was found that the amount of particulate matter from unsafe to good levels can be reduced after 6 hours of turning on the air purifier. Similarly, by comparing the number of airborne microorganisms by Index of Microbial Air Contamination (IMA), the number of bacteria and fungi was reduced from bad or very bad to moderate at 6 hours after turning on the air purifier. Turning on the air purifier for a long time and continuously for 14 days without an air conditioning system can reduce the amount of particulate matter and fungi.

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Medical Sciences


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