Application of Four Microwave Frequencies for Non-Contact Classification of the Sweetness Level of Syrup Solution

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Pornpimon Chaisaeng
Prapan Leekul


This article presents a system for determination the sweetness level in syrup solution using the ratio of four microwave signal powers. The measurement system comprises two antennas installed on the same side, one for transmitting and the other for receiving. The transmission part generates signal frequencies of 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, and 2.7 GHz, then transmits them to the syrup, creating a reflected signal. The receiving part receives the reflected signal and compares it with a local frequency of 2.0 GHz to calculate the difference in power ratios of the four frequency pairs. The obtained output is DC voltage, which is then converted to digital signal for processing in a microcontroller equipped with an artificial neural network decision processor. The sweetness of the syrup was tested with 10 samples ranging from 3 to 30 %Brix. Values of VMAG1 VMAG2 VMAG1, and VMAG4 from each frequency pair ratio ranged from 0.965 to 0.979 V, 1.029 to 1.055 V, 1.268 to 1.306 V, and 1.444 to 1.523 V, respectively. The measurement data responded to increasing sweetness levels, with the VMAG showing the highest sensitivity at 14 mV/3%Brix. Training the ANN with one, two, and three frequency pairs provided a sequential increase in decision accuracy, with training on four frequency pairs achieving the highest accuracy. The optimum structure consisted of 4 input nodes, 8 hidden nodes, and 4 output nodes, representing 10 sweetness levels at a learning rate of 0.2. The suitable artificial neural network structure resulted in the efficient use of memory and was able to classify sweetness level accurately at 92.4%. This demonstrates that the measurement system with four microwave signals worked efficiently.

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Biological Sciences


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