Effect of Different Nitrogen Rates on Growth, Yield and Chemical Composition of Urochloa ruziziensis and U. brizantha cv. Marandu

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Savek Kiatsomphob
Kannika Umpuch
Thararat Pongchaumdee
Paphawadee Rodngoer
Rueankaew Palakit
Pattama Nitthaisong


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of various nitrogen (N) rates on growth, yield and chemical components of U. ruziziensis and U. brizantha cv. Marandu. The experiment was designed in the 2 x 3 factorial in RCBD with 3 replications. There were two factors studied. The first factor was forage grass species consisting of Ruzi grass and Signal grass. The second factor was the nitrogen rate of 0, 16, or 32 kg. N/rai. The data were collected following; the number of tillers, plant height, stem diameter, leaf blade width and leaf blade length, chlorophyll content, fresh and dry matter yield. Data were analyzed for statistical variance and mean values were compared between treatments by DMRT. The results showed that Ruzi grass and Signal grass were able to increase the yield composition when nitrogen fertilizer was applied at a rate of 16–32 kg N/rai. Crude protein values increased as nitrogen fertilizer levels increased. Furthermore, the level of nitrogen fertilizer did not affect NDF and ADF values, indicating that nitrogen fertilizer affected the yield of the two forage grass species. This indicates that nitrogen fertilizer affected the production of the two forage grass species. However, the recommended rates for the Ruzi and Signal grass were sufficient to provide 16 kg N/rai is sufficient because the yield is no different from using nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 32 kg. N/rai, which is going to reduce the cost of production.

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Biological Sciences


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