A Case Study of the Moofoy Shredding Pork Prototype Machine of the Ban Nong Luang OTOP Volunteer Women’s Group for Export to the AEC
shredded pork, small to medium enterprise, shredded pork tearAbstract
The Moofoy Shredding Pork prototype machine is designed and built in order to save time and labor for small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). The prototype structure consists of a material slot, driving force set, blade set, material releasing slot, and uses a motor controlling system of 25 W. The driver motor initiates power of the spinning blade. The study result found that the performance of the machine with the blade cutting speed at 1,100 rpm will produce a maximum of 44 kg/day of meat. Analysis reveals that this machine offers a payback period of 0.77 years representing an interesting investment opportunity for SMEs.
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