Publication Ethics for Authors

  • Authors must ensure and are solely responsible for authenticity of their work, accuracy of statement of fact, opinions, and any material published in the published articles

  • Authors must appropriately acknowledge the work and/or words of others. The sources of any personal communication or unpublished data should be identified by a permission in written

  • Use of any figures, photos, tables or other works previously published/copyrighted must be permitted in written from the copyright holder

  • All authors must have significant contributions to their research and/or manuscript preparation

  • The corresponding author must ensure that all authors provide an agreement before submission and give final approval before publishing

  • Authors must declare any conflicting or competing interests that could cause bias in their work. Potential competing interests include both personal and financial relationship such as employment, ownership, consultancies, and fundings

  • Authors must identify the source of financial support for their work in the acknowledgment part of the submitted manuscript

  • For human and animal studies, authors must provide a statement that the studies have been approved by institutional and/or national research ethics committee and have been conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (for human research) or the related regulations

  • The paper must not be published and is not currently submitted elsewhere

Publication Ethics for Editors

  • Editors must ensure the fairness, honesty, transparency, and timeliness of peer-review process  

  • Editors must ensure that any information regarding submitted manuscripts are not disclosed to anyone other than the reviewers, potential reviewers, advisory editors, and the publisher

  • Editor-in-chief and associate editors has complete responsibility and authority to accept, reject or request modifications to the submitted manuscript

  • Editors must ensure that the submitted manuscripts are reviewed by reviewers with proper expertise via a double-blind peer-review process

  • Editors should provide guidance to authors and reviewers on any informations related to the journal

Publication Ethics for Reviewers

  • Reviewers must keep all information regarding submitted manuscripts confidential

  • Reviewers should provide constructive feedback and indicate the improvement needed based on scientific accuracy, originality, along with reviewer's opinion   

  • Reviewers should notify the editors about any potential conflict of interest and decline to review the submitted manuscripts if a conflict exists

  • Reviewers should follow the instructions for completing a review and submit it  in a timely manner