The Research- Based Learning Model for Vocational Agriculture Students

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ธิดารัตน์ เทพรัตน์


The purposes of this research were to initiate the Research- Based Learning model for
vocational agriculture students and to study research skill of vocational agriculture students after
learning. The methods used 2 phases, Phase 1: Initiating the model by study and analysis
documents, assessment suitability of model, and construction of Exercises for the Research- Based
Learning. The tools used to collect data contains a proper assessment. Phase 2: Trial the
Research- Based Learning model for vocational agriculture students, used One Group Posttest
Only Design. The target is 25 first year vocational agriculture students of Nakhon Si Thammarat
College of Agriculture and Technology by purposive selection in semester 1, academic year 2559.
Assessment skills research of the target from research report by evaluation research. The results of
the research have found that the Research- Based Learning model for vocational agriculture
students were include research question activities, the active learning integrated with science
process skills, analysis research activity, students present research projects, students do research
and report writing, and teacher assessment research skills of learners. The result found that the
Research- Based Learning model for vocational agriculture students was high appropriate level.
The research skills of learners were passed up to 80 percentage points as 84 percent of all
learners. This research showed that the Research- Based Learning model for vocational agriculture
students enhance the student more research skills and use the research process for seeking

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How to Cite
เทพรัตน์ ธ. (2019). The Research- Based Learning Model for Vocational Agriculture Students. Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture, 1(1), 38–47. retrieved from
Research Article