Sustainable oil palm production in accordance with RSPO standards
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The aim of this article is to study the concept of sustainable palm oil production in accordance with RSPO standards that reviewed relevant literature, reports and academic documents. that reviewed relevant literature, reports, and academic documents. Sustainable Palm Oil Production Standard (RSPO) is a standard supporting sustainable palm oil production which covers economic, social, and environmental aspects, and community responsibility. Sustainable palm oil production in accordance with RSPO standards promotes better understanding of palm plantation management, better production quality and less production costs, more income and better life quality for farmers, less forest encroachment, reduce environmental impact, more business joins, better production process and waste recycling. RSPO standard is likely to be trade barriers. However, the farmers or entrepreneurs, who accredited RSPO standard, can be promoted to manage Palm cultivation as mentioned, and a sustainable palm oil production. It also increases the negotiation power on business as well.
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