Public Participation in Production of Safe Agricultural Products: Case study of the Herbal City, Prachinburi

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Suthita Obhasi
Kanok Phanthong


This study examined the public participation in production of safe agricultural products in Prachinburi Province. The samples were collected by purposive sampling. There were 11 participants, consisting of 8 farmers, and 3 persons involved in organizing a project to support the production of herbs. The total duration of the study was 4 months, from February to May 2019, using in-depth interviews and an observation form to collect data on the production of safe agricultural products. It was found that success in the production of safe agricultural products was a result of participation of farmers, public sector and private sector. The participation of all sectors involved educating and raising awareness of decision-making, forming action groups, sharing benefits, and evaluating the process. The public sector led the initial process and encourageda continuous aggregation of farmers. The private sector participated by providing information and fulfilling the needs of farmers. The core farmers then became the leaders of the process in the sustainability of the production of safe agricultural products with participation from the government and private sectors.

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How to Cite
Obhasi, S., & Phanthong, K. . (2021). Public Participation in Production of Safe Agricultural Products: Case study of the Herbal City, Prachinburi. Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture, 5(1), 61–73. Retrieved from
Research Article


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