Effects of Pellet Chicken Manure on Growth, Pigment Content and Color of Kam Kung (Chara corallina C.L.Willdenow)
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Kam kung (local name) or brittle wort (Charophytes) is a common name of Chara corallina. It is an alga which is edible in Krabi province. There has been no report of its cultivation in a green house. Therefore, the objective of this study was to measure the effects of pellet chicken manure on growth and quality of the culture. The experiment was carried out using the planting seed stock method (asexual vegetative reproduction). The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications, including 10, 30, 60 and 100 mg/L of pellet chicken manure, respectively. Biomass density of this alga was at 200 mg/L in a 200 liter-plastic tank. After 6 weeks, the alga in the four treatments showed no significant difference on wet weight, dry weight, average daily growth and specific growth rate (p>0.05). It was found that the thallus lengths were significant difference (p< 0.05) . The levels of pellet chicken manure (10-100 mg/L) did not affect total carotenoid and chlorophyll a. However, the green color of the thalli in treatment 3 (60 mg/L), was denser than the color of the thalli in other treatments.
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