The Carrying Capacity Study of Water Quality for the Nursing of Tadpoles (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus)
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The objective of this study was to study of carrying capacity of water quality for nursing of tadpoles (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus). The methodology of this study was divided into 3 steps; 1) studying secondary data involving nursing of tadpoles 2) nursing 10 tadpoles, 20-day- old, for 30 days using non drainage water and 3) comparing water qualities of this research with the secondary data. The results showed that pH of the water was from 7.20 to 7.80, water temperature was from 25.18 to 28.30, alkalinity was from 8.30 to 632.92 mg/l, dissolved oxygen was from 0.00 to 4.90 mg/l, dissolved ammonia was from 0.05 to 934.00 mg/l, turbidity was from 26.08 to 434.67 NTU, the average tadpoles’ length was 5.18 centimeters, the average tadpoles’ weight was 16.38 grams and the tadpoles’survival rate was 90%.
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