Recreational Runners, Knee Pain, Lower Back Muscle Strength, Hip Muscle StrengthAbstract
Knee pain is the most common problem in runners. The core muscular strength is a related factor. This research aimed to compare the strength of lower back muscles, hip muscles in the group of recreational runners with and without knee pain. The research was conducted on the basis of retrospective descriptive study. The research participants included 44 runners aged 18-35 years, divided into 22 runners without knee pain and 22 runners with knee pain. Maximum isometric voluntary contraction of back extensor, trunk lateral flexor, hip extensor and hip abductor, classified into dominant side and non-dominant side were measured using a hand-held dynamometer for three times. The value of the maximum contraction was recorded. The mean, standard deviation, and data comparison were determined using the Independent T-test, with statistical significance set at 0.05 level. The study results indicated that the mean maximum isometric voluntary contraction of trunk lateral flexor, both dominant side and non-dominant side were statistically significantly different between groups, while the strength of back extensor, hip extensor, and hip abductor were not statistically significantly different between groups. The study results showed that the strength of trunk lateral flexor muscles seem to be another factor of knee pain in recreational runners. The information can be used in an exercise program for preventing or restoring knee pain in recreational runners accordingly.
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