Searching for and analysis of bacterial blight resistance genes from Thailand rice germplasm


  • Siriporn Sombunjitt Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetic Engineering, The Graduate School, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Tanee Sriwongchai Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Chatuporn Kuleung Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Vipa Hongtrakul Center of Advanced Studies in Tropical Natural Resources, NRU-KU, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand


Bacterial blight, Resistance genes, Thailand rice germplasm


In Thailand, rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the main food and agricultural product for export. However, the production of rice has faced many problems and bacterial blight disease is one of the problems in rice growing. Bacterial blight resistance Xa4, Xa7, xa5 and xa13 genes were discovered in 155 Thai rice cultivars using polymerase chain reaction-based gene-linked and gene-specific markers and the specific allele was compared with susceptible rice cultivars and with rice carrying each resistance gene. The results showed the same alleles as in the Xa4 resistance gene (89.68%), followed by the Xa7 resistance gene (11.61%), while the same alleles as xa5 and xa13 resistance genes were not found in the Thai rice germplasm studied. A new allele of Xa7 was found and part of the DNA sequence was analyzed and compared to alleles obtained from resistant and susceptible rice lines. Sixteen cultivars carried the same alleles as the Xa4 and Xa7 resistant alleles. Phenotyping of 12 rice cultivars was performed using the leaf-clipping method and inoculation with three isolates of Xoo (TB0002, Xoo5 and Xoo6). Three rice cultivars (Kan Phu Daeng, Phuyai Li and RD23) had resistance to all three Xoo isolates. These cultivars will be useful as genetic sources in rice breeding programs in the future.




How to Cite

Sombunjitt, Siriporn, Tanee Sriwongchai, Chatuporn Kuleung, and Vipa Hongtrakul. 2017. “Searching for and analysis of bacterial blight resistance genes from Thailand rice germplasm”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 51 (5). Bangkok, Thailand:365-75.



Research Article