The Effectiveness of Entrophospora colombiana and Scutellospora sp. Associated with Soybean on Phosphate Solubilization


  • Thongchai Mala Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen Campus, Nakhon Pathom 73140, Thailand


phosphate solubilization, soybean, vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi


The maximum yield of soybean (5.72 g plant-1) was obtained from plots treated with E. colombiana + TSP (triple superphosphate) at 30 kg P2O5 rai-. Application of TSP increased soybean yield but the enhancement of VAMF (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi) on soybean growth was reduced. The enhancement of VAMF in RPP (rock phosphate from Petchabun) and RPK (rock phosphate from Kanchanaburi) was significantly greater than in TSP treatment. Increasing the level of phosphate fertilizer reduced VAMF enhancement. The promotion of plant yield by E.colombiana together with RPP at 10 kg P2O5 rai-1 was the greatest (2.63 g plant-1) whereas the minimum promotion (0.06 g plant-1) was found in Scutellospora sp. + TSP at 30 kg P2O5 rai-1. P uptake was highly correlated with plant yield and the r2 was 0.8984. The remaining available P and citrate soluble P were also highly correlated to each other at the r2 of 0.9989. E. colombiana could solubilize P from rock phosphate better than that of Scutellospora sp. The
application of E. colombiana + RPP at 30 kg P2O5 rai-1 may be an appropriate option to reduce cultivation cost. VAMF could solubilize P from cheaper rock phosphate and release enough available P to promote soybean yield as much as 4.95 g plant-1 which was similar to the maximum yield of E. colombiana + TSP at 30 kg P2O5 rai-1 treatment.




How to Cite

Mala, Thongchai. 2000. “The Effectiveness of Entrophospora Colombiana and Scutellospora Sp. Associated With Soybean on Phosphate Solubilization”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 34 (4). Bangkok, Thailand:464-77.



Research Article